
måndag 25 juli 2011

Lucky me!

Mission complete

Got mission

Curry sauce delivery

Some traffic

Road spam

Gear nob


On the move

A good quick view of google+ functions

Link to youtube video

A pile of happiness

Going for lunch

Updating a windows server ...

Drinking morning coffee with a dizzy brain :-S

A new week has begun

torsdag 21 juli 2011

shutdown -h now

sleep well everyone

Lovely and healthy

Love for the world



Ugly weather


Going east

back to base

Luxurious lunch

Todays offer, free shower

Another Cisco phone, cool 9971 support video calls


I must admit that I really think this blog stuff starts to get fun, I
have been very sceptic before but .. I may have to change my mind.

*keeping up the spam mode*


Coffee for success

Cisco phone

Going mobile

Trying out mail publishing via my mobile at the moment, it goes
sooooooooooo slooooooooooooooooooow ..........
It must work because I will catch most of the state of the art events
with the mobile cam.

*struggling on*

A new time has come!

I will definitely be more active and publish a lot of stuff here it
still will be a lot of random pictures on cars etc .. but .. spam is
good :-D

Test of new event via email

test of publication